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Friendship symposium on Maritime Health Print

To summarize

As an expert in the Working Conditions Act (Arbowet), general practitioner, or physician in maritime healthcare and medical experts, maritime paramedical experts and members of IMHA, you have to be aware of relevant testing and safety requirements within this field. Update and/or refresh your knowledge by following the multi-day international Friendship symposium on Maritime Health on the island of Curaçao. You will exchange experiences, share advices, and show applications of instruments and test methods with fellow experts and colleagues. The main language will be English. The symposium is organized by NSPOH, Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT), and International Maritime Health Association (IMHA).

Safety in the maritime field

At this symposium you can participate in interactive lectures, workshops, and relevant case studies in relation to the maritime field with the aim of gaining or refreshing knowledge.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • Risk management
  • Health on cruise ships and existing obesity
  • Tuberculosis
  • Spirometry
  • Fatigue and Overhead Inspection Curaçao.

The first day we look forward to welcome you on the cruise ship ‘De Zuiderdam’ for a joint lunch. The following days will consist of several meetings at the WTC Curaçao in the centre of Willemstad.

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The organizers of the symposium invite you to submit an abstract. Submitted abstracts are considered for oral presentation in a ’Short Talk’ format during the symposium, in a ‘Speed Talk’ format during special Speed Talk Sessions, and at the poster presentation as part of the program.

Please note:

  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • The presenting author of the abstract must complete registration by September 1, 2023, to ensure abstract assessment and inclusion in the symposium program.
  • Abstracts on all aspects of health in the maritime world are welcome and may be submitted in the following categories:
  • Autonomous shipping
  • Chemical and physical hazards
  • Chronic diseases
  • Cruise medicine
  • E-health and shipping
  • Emissions and shipping
  • Environment and health
  • Ethics in maritime medicine
  • Fishery
  • Infectious diseases
  • Inland waterway shipping
  • Mental health and psychosocial factors
  • Miscellaneous
  • Musculoskeletal disorders/ergonomics
  • Offshore medicine
  • Port health
  • Pre-employment medical examination
  • Preventive medicine
  • Research in maritime medicine
  • Sea rescue
  • Ship sanitation
  • Telemedical Maritime Assistance Service (TMAS)
  • Training/education
  • Travel medicine
  • Urban development, transforming harbour areas and health
  • Wellbeing, gender and culture

Assessment and screening

  • Abstracts will be assessed by members of the Scientific Programme Board.
  • All abstracts submitted to the symposium will be screened for relevance to the symposium scientific content and presentation. Abstracts that do not meet the quality standards will not be accepted.
  • Abstracts submitted for consideration for oral presentations will be assessed for scientific quality, novelty and the fit with the Symposium subtopics.

Notification of the outcomes of the assessment for oral presentations and confirmation of acceptance of abstracts by the symposium are expected to be available on January 22, 2024.


  • Abstract deadline: October 2023.
  • Registration deadline for summary submitters: September 1, 2023.

For whom

  • This symposium is part of a training program from the Inspectiedienst Leefomgeving en Transport.
  • All registered occupational physicians in the maritime field can attend this symposium to fulfil their (yearly) compulsory basic course requirement.
  • Experts of the Working Conditions Act (Arbowet), maritime medical experts, maritime paramedical experts, general practitioners, and occupational physicians.

Important notices

The general terms and conditions you can download in English: general terms and conditions.

The registration page is in Dutch. If you need help completing this, you can contact the program assistant Vanessa, e-mail address V.vanBoeschoten@nspoh.nl.

Registration closes September 13, 2023. We will confirm as soon as possible whether the module will continue based on the number of registrations. We advise you NOT to book your flight and hotel before this confirmation. Travel and accommodation costs are for your own account.

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